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Viola species

Item Code: Viospe
Price:  $4.00
Low groundcover for moist shady places, with beautiful flowers.

Viola species

Item Code: Viospe
Price:  $4.00
Low groundcover for moist shady places, with beautiful flowers.
Sorry, this item isn't presently available for purchase

online, however you can buy one in person from the nursery. Click here for open times 

The native violet is a low growing tufted plant with mauve flowers which are held above the leaves throughout the year. It likes a variety of soils in moist part to fully shaded situations and spreads by underground runners, from which it can regenerate after stressful times. Tolerates light frost and can be used as a lawn substitute in light traffic areas, or a groundcover under trees.

"Viola banksii has been split out of Viola hederacea in 2003. Until recently, the commonly grown native violet was referred to as Viola hederacea. However, research has shown that plants bought at nurseries and grown in gardens are more often that of Viola banksii." (from Australian plant Society NSW)

We have decided our violets are banksii too! But we do have other several other types from time to time.

Here is a link to the Australian Plant Society of NSW webpage about Viola banksii click here