Leptospermum morrisonii
Item Code: Lepmor
Price: $4.00
Tea-tree to 5m
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Minimum : 1
Maximum : 0
online but may be purchased in person from the nursery. Click here for open times
Leptospermum morissonii is a large shrub to small tree to around 5m in height. It can grow quite rapidly in well-drained, moist soils with moderate drainage, in a sunny to partly shaded position. It can be pruned after flowering or fruiting to provide a denser shape and to control height. Flowering in midsummer with white or cream blossoms, this shrub is excellant for attracting bees and other insects, and thus encouraging birds into the garden. It is similar to the most common Teatree in the Blue Mountains, Leptospermum polygalifolium, but has a lovely flush of pink on the new growth, which is also larger.
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