Dodonea triquetra
Item Code: Dodtri
Price: $4.00
Leafy Shrub 2-3m
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online, however you can buy one in person from the nursery. For open times click here
Dodonaea triquetra is a bright green leafy shrub growing to 2-3m by 1-1.5m. It is widely found along NSW coast and flourishes throughout the Blue Mountains in most situations on sandy soil. The leaves are generally elliptic and about 10cm long.
Small insignificant flowers occur mainly from July to October but these are followed by clusters of triangulate winged fruits which are green and then turn to a purple/brown colour. These are what give the plant the common name of Hop Bush.
Early European settlers used the fruits as a hops substitute for a drink and a yeast substitute for baking. This is an ideal plant for rapid growth as a backdrop and forms a good hedge. It is a host species for the Fiery Jewel butterfly.
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