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Bauera rubioides

Item Code: Baurub
Price:  $5.00
Low sprawling Shrub to 1m.

Bauera rubioides

Item Code: Baurub
Price:  $5.00
Low sprawling Shrub to 1m.
Sorry, this item isn't presently available for purchase

online, however you can buy one in person from the nursery on Fridays and Saturdays 10am-1pm.

Some tubes now available at $5 each

Bauera rubioides is an attractive small shrub, growing to about 1 metre high and can be as wide or more. It will grow in sun or part shade and likes continuous good moisture to thrive. The hanging pink bell flowers are very pretty in a late spring/early summer display, and in winter foliage can turn purple-bronze.

There is good information about it on the Australian National Botanic Gardens website click here